JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Spring break is officially over for students in Duval County but they won’t be back in the classroom for at least another three weeks.

Florida schools were ordered closed statewide until April 15, but -- just like a lot of their parents -- Duval County’s 130,000 students will be working from home using a website called Duval HomeRoom.

Administrators and teachers have hustled for the past week to be ready to offer online classes by Monday. The website went live Sunday night and, like any major technology rollout, there will be growing pains.

Students will log on using OneView, which many families will have already used to get assignments, check grades and more. If you haven’t used the system before or forgot the password, there’s information on dcps.duvalschools.org/duvalhomeroom

Once connected, teachers will guide students through the instructional experience.

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According to district administrators, while there is no set time to connect on Duval HomeRoom Monday morning, all classrooms are expected to be operation by noon.

Teachers will be available to connect starting at 8 a.m. Students are encouraged to connect throughout the day. The district says things will move slow for the first week, giving students and teachers time to connect and get comfortable with the new system.

Pre-K through fifth-grade students without access to technology will get bi-weekly learning packets which can be picked up at the closest elementary school between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., at selected bus stops (where lunches are also available) or the materials can be printed from the DCPS website.

You do not have to go to the school you attend to pick up materials. To find a bus stop location, check the bus schedule.

If you’re trying to log onto Duval Homeroom Monday morning and you’re having issues, the district says try again later as they anticipate a lot of initial traffic. If you still having trouble by afternoon, call the technology support team at 904-348-5200.

“Monday will be a new day for all of us and so patience and flexibility will be the virtues that we will all be bringing with us to school on Monday,” said Tracy Pierce, DCPS’ chief of marketing and public relations.

It’s already been a new adventure for teachers. Thousands underwent training Friday and spent the weekend learning the system and preparing lesson plans.

Superintendent Diana Greene acknowledged it is a new way of learning but stressed that there is nothing to be afraid of.

“We encourage parents to connect with the teacher," Greene said. "The teacher has the capability of talking to the students if they have the audio capability on their laptop, which if they’re receiving it from the district, they will have that capability.”

And, she says, teachers, guidance counselors and deans will be reaching out, even calling students.

“Our goal is to talk to every single student sometime next week... to find out if they’re doing OK. If there’s something they need,” Greene said.

That goes for elementary age students all the way up to graduating seniors.

“We want to ensure that our seniors have every opportunity to graduate on time, which, with the cancellation of state assessments all they need to have for this year for graduation is a 2.0 GPA and 24 credits,” Greene said.