By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Lindsay Lohan Teases New Music: ‘I’m Back!’ - March 31, 2020 5:10PM PT Lindsay Lohan is making a return to music after a 12-year hiatus. The former child star-turned-singer-songwr...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Bali Mayat Mahasiswi Mengambang di Sungai Sangeh Bali - Tagar News Badung - Basarnas Provinsi Bali menemukan jasad seorang mahasiswi berinisial NPP, 20 tahun, warga Abiansemal di Sungai Yeh Penet, Desa San...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Coronavirus pandemic changes way of life: Live updates - CNN David Bramante, the owner of West Newton Theatre in Newton, Massachusetts, stands in the doorway of the theater on March 27. Bramante had ...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Bali Kumpulan Fakta COVID-19 di Bali - IDN Times Bali Denpasar, IDN Times – Ketua Satuan Tugas (Kasatgas) Penanggulangan COVID-19, Dewa Made Indra, mengumumkan adanya tambahan dua pasien COVID-...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Bali Bersyukur! 4 Pasien Covid-19 di Bali Berhasil Sembuh - WE Online, Jakarta - Ketua Satgas Penanggulangan Covid-19 Provinsi Bali, Dewa Made Indra, mengatakan bahwa empat orang yang sebelumnya te...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Bali Kabar Gembira, 4 Pasien Positif Covid-19 Dinyatakan Sembuh di Bali - - DENPASAR, - Sebanyak empat pasien positif Covid-19 di Provinsi Bali dinyatakan sembuh pada Selasa (31/3/2020). Ketua Satgas ...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Bali Ida Rsi Bhagawan : Beberapa Titik di Bali Sebaiknya Digelar Pecaruan Untuk Memproteksi Bali dari Corona - Saat ini negara, termasuk pula di Indonesia termasuk Bali sedang berjuang menghadapi mewabahnya virus corona atau Covid-19 DENPASAR, ba...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Governors Fight Back Against Coronavirus Chaos: ‘It’s Like Being on eBay With 50 Other States’ - The New York Times A chorus of governors from across the political spectrum is publicly challenging the Trump administration’s assertion that the United St...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Could coronavirus bring back infrastructure week? - Roll Call That both Democrats and Republicans agree that there’s a need for massive infrastructure investment is nothing new — they agreed on that lo...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 新型コロナ後の「V字回復」、エコノミストの期待は後退-前提崩れる - ブルームバーグ People walk past cherry trees in bloom at Ueno Park in Tokyo, Japan. Photographer:...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back FCC mandates strict caller ID authentication to beat back robocalls - TechCrunch The FCC unanimously passed a new set of rules today that will require wireless carriers to implement a tech framework to combat robocalls...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 米消費者信頼感指数:3月は120に大幅低下-市場予想は上回る - ブルームバーグ 米民間調査機関のコンファレンスボードが発表した3月の米消費者信頼感指数は、前月から大きく低下し、2017年半ば以来の低水準となった。今回の調査は、多数の企業が一斉に事業を停止し、労働者の解雇が急速に広がる前に実施された。 キーポイント 消費者信頼感指数は12.6ポイント低下し12...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 昭和電工、コロナは「一過性」に賭ける1兆円 - 日本経済新聞 「一過性の要因に惑わされることなく、将来に向けての大型の事業構造改革を強力に断行してまいります」――。新型コロナウイルスの感染者が中国を中心にまだ6万人余りだった2月14日、昭和電工の森川宏平社長は決算説明会で繰り返し「一過性」を強調した。しかし、足元の世界の感染者は当時の約1...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Why Oil Stocks Are Bouncing Back Today - Motley Fool What happened The U.S. oil price benchmark WTI is bouncing back a bit today after crashing to an 18-year low of around $20 a barrel yesterd...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Microsoft’s new scrolling News Bar app brings your PC back to the ‘90s - The Verge Microsoft has created a scrolling news bar app for Windows 10. It sits above the Windows taskbar and provides scrolling 24/7 news from more ...
By Tokoks Depans Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Back Who needs a desk? How to avoid back pain when working from your table, bed and couch - CNET Yes, you can work from bed without hurting your back and wrists. Sarah Tew/CNET If you working from home during quarantine , but withou...