A 17-year-old Milpitas resident who wanted to thank frontline workers in the COVID-19 pandemic reached out to the community for help, and she got enough responses to put together a video that shows the public’s appreciation.

Isabella Morrison said she founded Milpitas Gives Back “in hopes of bringing positivity and love to the essential workers protecting us during this time.” The Milpitas High School junior put the word out to friends and community groups, asking them to write thank-you notes to hospital and public safety personnel as well as employees of other essential industries. Photos of the notes are emailed to Morrison, who compiles them on Instagram.

“With being stuck in quarantine, it’s been hard for people to find ways to help, so I created this organization to give them a way to still make an impact in the lives of our essential workers from the safety of their own homes,” Morrison wrote in an email.

Morrison shared some of these letters with the Milpitas City Council April 21 at a virtual meeting.

“In order for everyone to have the strength to keep going, we need to be reminded of how much we’re appreciated and that your dedication isn’t overlooked,” she told councilmembers.

Morrison has received many notes from families, including drawings from children. She compiled many of them in a video that features music by The Beatles. She has been emailing the video individually to hospitals, grocery stores and is looking for a wider audience.

“I think what is most important to this project is getting people involved, regardless of their age, artistic ability or even where they come from,” Morrison said. “Originally, I was planning this to be a project specific to Milpitas, but I have seen how much it is needed in all of the Bay Area, so I am hoping to receive more submissions from places further than just our community.”

Morrison is accepting submissions to Milpitas Gives Back at milpitasgivesback@gmail.com or through her Instagram page @milpitasgivesback, where her video is posted.