
POLITICO Playbook: Back to the Covid blues - Politico

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President JOE BIDEN, July 5, in a speech dubbed, “Celebrating Independence Day and Independence from Covid-19”: “Two hundred and forty-five years ago, we declared our independence from a distant king. Today, we’re closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus. That’s not to say the battle against Covid-19 is over.”

Press secretary JEN PSAKI, July 23 briefing, a nearly hour-long session dominated by questions about Covid, including:

— Whether “more governments and employers [should] mandate vaccinations” given hardened opposition among the unvaccinated.

— Whether she agrees with Alabama Republican Gov. KAY IVEY’s remark that it is “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” who “are letting us down.”

— Whether the federal government should issue vaccine mandates and, if not, “Are you putting the needs of unvaccinated people ahead of the needs of vaccinated people?”

— Whether there’s “any talk here about updating guidance to start shutting businesses down in places that have very low vaccination rates?”

— Whether Biden would stop going to public venues like ice cream shops and rallies given the health risk.

— Whether first lady JILL BIDEN “will be quarantined away from the president when she gets back from Japan.”

— What the White House is doing to ensure schools are not “doing remote learning again nationwide.”

News coverage overnight is much the same …

NYT: “Delays, More Masks and Mandatory Shots: Virus Surge Disrupts Office-Return Plans,”: “When companies began announcing tentative return-to-office plans this spring, there was a sense of optimism behind the messages. Covid cases were dwindling in the United States as the vaccine rollout picked up pace. Employers largely hoped their workers would get shots on their own, motivated by raffle tickets, paid time off and other perks, if not by the consensus of the medical community.

“In recent days, that tone has suddenly shifted. The Delta variant, a more contagious version of the coronavirus, is sweeping through the country. Fewer than half of Americans are fully vaccinated, exacerbating the situation. … It all adds up to a difficult calculation for America’s business leaders, who hoped the country would already be fully on a path to normalcy, with employees getting back to offices. Instead, individual companies are now being forced to make tough decisions that they had hoped could be avoided, such as whether to reverse reopening plans or institute vaccine mandates for employees.”

WaPo: “Frustration mounts over vaccine holdouts”

WSJ: “Covid-19 Vaccine Holdouts Face Restrictions in Europe as Delta Variant Spreads”

CNN: “Analysis: As Covid cases rise, some conservatives make surprising course correction on vaccine ahead of 2022 midterms”

POLITICO: “Virus resurgence menaces economy just as rescue programs unravel”

Good Saturday morning. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza, Tara Palmeri.

POLITICS READ OF THE DAY: The AP’s Brian Slodysko, Bill Barrow and Jake Bleiberg on Trump favorite HERSCHEL WALKER, the NFL legend eyeing a run for Senate in Georgia, to the consternation of establishment Republicans:

“An Associated Press review of hundreds of pages of public records tied to Walker’s business ventures and his divorce, including many not previously reported, sheds new light on a turbulent personal history that could dog his Senate bid. The documents detail accusations that Walker repeatedly threatened his ex-wife’s life, exaggerated claims of financial success and alarmed business associates with unpredictable behavior.

“Walker, now 59, has at times been open about his long struggle with mental illness, writing at length in a 2008 book about being diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, once known as multiple personality disorder. But it’s unclear how he would discuss these events as a candidate. … Walker did not respond to requests for comment. …

“Walker ‘certainly could bring a lot of things to the table,’ Georgia Gov. BRIAN KEMP, a Republican, said in a recent interview. “But as others have mentioned, there’s also a lot of questions out there.’” The full story


The president and VP KAMALA HARRIS have nothing on their public schedules.



BIG MAC — “Biden stumps for McAuliffe in early test of political clout,” by AP: “President Joe Biden led the kind of campaign rally that was impossible last year because of the pandemic, speaking before nearly 3,000 people in support of a fellow moderate Democrat whose race for Virginia governor could serve as a test of Biden’s own strength and coattails.“Biden motorcaded across the Potomac River Friday night to back Terry McAuliffe, a former governor looking for a second term whose centrist leanings in many ways mirror those of the president. The race is seen as an early measure of voters’ judgment on Democratic control of all branches of the federal government.”CONGRESS

INFRASTRUCTURE LATEST — “GOP Negotiator Says Infrastructure Deal Will Be Ready Next Week,” by Bloomberg’s Mackenzie Hawkins: “A key Republican in the bipartisan Senate group working on a $579 billion infrastructure package said disagreements over transit funding and revenue sources that have held up a deal should be settled and legislative language agreed to by early next week.

“‘We’re working through today and through the weekend,’ Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy said Friday ... ‘We hope to have language either by Monday or by early next week.’”

THE TAX CHEAT DEBATE — “For Republicans, Deep Wounds Fuel Resistance to Bolstering the IRS,” by NYT’s Alan Rappeport: “A plan by Democrats to pay for infrastructure investments by beefing up the Internal Revenue Service to catch tax evaders has resurfaced old resentments for Republicans, whose distrust of the agency has simmered for years, erasing hopes of a bipartisan legislative accord built on narrowing the so-called tax gap.”

ODD COUPLE — “Unlikely partners Pelosi and Cheney team up for Jan. 6 probe,” by AP’s Lisa Mascaro: “Politics often creates unlikely alliances, the odd-couple arrangements between would-be foes who drop their differences to engage on a common cause.

“But the emerging partnership between Pelosi and Cheney is remarkable, if not astonishing, as the longtime political adversaries join forces to investigate what happened the day former President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol.

“Rarely has there been a meeting of the minds like this — two of the strongest women on Capitol Hill, partisans at opposite ends of the political divide — bonding over a shared belief that the truth about the insurrection should come out and those responsible held accountable. They believe no less than the functioning of America’s democracy is on the line.”


INTERNAL AFFAIRS — “FBI assistant director faulted for misconduct around romantic relationship,” by WaPo’s Devlin Barrett: “JILL C. TYSON, who has a close working relationship with FBI Director CHRISTOPHER A. WRAY in her role as assistant director for congressional affairs, was criticized in a report issued Thursday by Justice Department Inspector General MICHAEL HOROWITZ. The inspector general did not name Tyson, but concluded that ‘the Assistant Director was engaged in a romantic relationship with a subordinate and failed to timely report the relationship, in violation of FBI policy.’”

“Multiple people familiar with the matter, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive personnel issue, said the person in question is Tyson, one of the few women in a senior leadership role at the FBI.”

RED FLAG RAISED — “Jan. 6 select committee will include former CIA inspector general found to have retaliated against whistleblower,” by Yahoo’s Jenna McLaughlin: “As the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot prepares to get underway next week, it will include former CIA Inspector General DAVID BUCKLEY in the role of staff director.

“The selection of Buckley to serve in that capacity, however, could come back to haunt the Democrats on the committee who selected him. Yahoo News has obtained a previously unpublished 2019 report compiled by the Department of Homeland Security’s watchdog office showing that investigators urged the CIA to take action against Buckley for his alleged retaliation against a whistleblower, a conclusion that would likely be troubling to potential witnesses who might testify in the Jan. 6 inquiry.”


TOP-ED: “Why I’m Sure Trump Will Run for President in 2024,” by Michael Wolff in the NYT: “To write three books in four years about Donald Trump has been an immersion into his obsessions and fixations. This is why I know the obvious: Donald Trump will run for president again.”

NOT CHUMP CHANGE — “Trump ally Tom Barrack set to be released on $250 million bond,” by Josh Gerstein: “TOM BARRACK, a wealthy private-equity investor and Trump 2017 inaugural chair who now faces criminal charges of secretly acting as a foreign agent in the U.S. for the United Arab Emirates, was set to be released on bail Friday after prosecutors and his defense reached an agreement for him to pledge $250 million to secure his future appearance. The deal spares Barrack — who was arrested Tuesday in the Los Angeles area — from the prospect of spending the weekend in jail and of being transferred in government custody to Brooklyn, N.Y., where the indictment in the case was brought.”


THE NSA SPEAKS — “NSA review finds that Tucker Carlson’s communications were not targeted,” by The Record’s Martin Matishak: “The NSA has found no evidence to support Tucker Carlson’s accusations that the agency had been spying on him in an effort to knock his show off the air, two people familiar with the matter told The Record.

“Instead, the nation’s top electronic spy agency found that Carlson was mentioned in communications between third parties and his name was subsequently revealed through ‘unmasking,’ a process in which relevant government officials can request the identities of American citizens in intelligence reports to be divulged provided there is an official reason, such as helping them make sense of the intelligence documents they are reviewing. … ‘For the NSA to unmask Tucker Carlson or any journalist attempting to secure a newsworthy interview is entirely unacceptable and raises serious questions about their activities as well as their original denial, which was wildly misleading,’ a Fox News spokesperson told The Record.”


‘LIFE-AND-DEATH HURDLE’ — “‘Our city is surrounded’: Afghans must run a Taliban gauntlet to reach Kabul for U.S. evacuation,” by NBC’s Dan De Luce and Saphora Smith: “Thousands of Afghans who are eligible for a U.S. evacuation out of the country now face one final life-and-death hurdle — getting to Kabul without being captured or killed by the Taliban. The Biden administration this week emailed hundreds of Afghans who worked for the U.S. government telling them to prepare for evacuation to the U.S. in coming days … But the Afghans have to make their way to the capital of Kabul on their own in order to be evacuated.

“With the Taliban advancing against Afghan security forces in every corner of the country as U.S. troops withdraw, several Afghans who are eligible for a U.S. visa told NBC News they fear they will be stranded in far-flung towns and are struggling to find the money and means to get themselves and their families to Kabul.”

CLICKER — “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker — 15 keepers

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Ryan Lizza:

“Call Me a Traitor,” by N.Y Mag’s Kerry Howley: “Daniel Hale exposed the machinery of America’s clandestine warfare. Why did no one seem to care?”

“His Name Was Emmett Till,” by Wright Thompson for The Atlantic: “In 1955, just past daybreak, a Chevrolet truck pulled up to an unmarked building. A 14-year-old child was in the back.”

“The Untold Stories of Wes Studi,” by Tommy Orange for GQ: “When Wes Studi broke through in Dances With Wolves and The Last of the Mohicans, he was cast as a terrifying villain. But for many in the Native community, he was a hero channeling decades of righteous anger. Tommy Orange tells the story of an overlooked icon who forever changed the way Indigenous people are depicted onscreen.”

“Fraud on the Farm: How a baby-faced CEO turned a Farmville clone into a massive Ponzi scheme,” by Paul Benjamin Osterlund for Rest Of World: “Farm Bank let players make money, while supporting real farms. Then the CEO vanished with $80 million.”

“Thousands of bullets have been fired in this D.C. neighborhood. Fear is part of everyday life,” by WaPo’s Peter Hermann and John Harden: “Each blast of gunfire strips away a sense of security, instilling fear even if no casualties are claimed. … District authorities say just over 40 percent of the gunfire is concentrated on 151 blocks — or 2 percent.”

“Dale Hansen Is Signing Off, Taking the Anchorman Era With Him,” by The Ringer’s Bryan Curtis: “The Dallas sportscaster will end a 41-year run delivering the local news when he retires in September. His style, which has earned him internet fame in recent years, harkens back to a bygone era of broadcast television.”

“Who Wants to Be a Cop?” an eight-part series (plus an epilogue) from the Tampa Bay Times’ Lane DeGregory and John Pendygraft: “After a reckoning over policing in America, 30 recruits enroll at the academy.”

“Room for 10,000: Inside China’s largest detention center,” by AP’s Dake Kang in Dabancheng, China: “This site suggests that China still holds and plans to hold vast numbers of Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim minorities in detention.”

“The Russian Pipeline That Turned Into a Lightning Rod,” by Foriegn Policy’s Amy Mackinnon, Robbie Gramer and Jack Detsch: “How Nord Stream 2 made everyone in Washington mad at one another.”

— From the archives: “Obama vs. Boehner: Who Killed the Debt Deal?” by NYT’s Matt Bai, March 28, 2012


SPOTTED at Firefly near Dupont Circle on Friday evening for an intimate gathering convened by the Renew Democracy Initiative: Alex Vindman, Barbara Comstock, Michael Steele, Rina Shah, Bill Kristol, Linda Chavez, Fred Wellman, Suzanne Kianpour, Lucy Caldwell, Uriel Epshtein and Rachel Bitecofer.

TRANSITION — Stacey Brayboy is joining March of Dimes as SVP of public policy and government affairs. She most recently has been director of the Virginia Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Maggie Zapler … Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Charlie Crist (D-Fla.) and Andy Barr (R-Ky.) (48) … AFL-CIO’s Richard TrumkaJoel Benenson of Benenson Strategy Group … Washington Free Beacon’s Brent ScherRobert Hoopes of Vox Global … CNBC’s Eamon JaversHillary Gross of Rep. Bob Gibbs’ (R-Ohio) office … WSJ’s Kim Strassel … former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) … Margo MartinRyan SimsJohn Brabender of BrabenderCox … Juergen BaetzMegan RuaneAllie Bedell of Canvass America … Ann Berry … CNN’s Veronica BautistaPatrick McAllister of J.D. Vance’s campaign … Chris Bond of Plus Communications … Ben Keeler … former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.) … CBS’ Michelle KesselGreg Hittelman of the Enough Project and The Sentry … Matt Joseloff of “Morning Joe” … Carmen MacDougallDavid Fuscus of Xenophon Strategies … Agustina Pardal of Bipartisan Policy Center … Marc Racicot, former RNC chair and Montana governor … Pat Oliphant

THE SHOWS (Full Sunday show listings here):

  • “This Week”: Speaker Nancy Pelosi … Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio). Panel: Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel, Donna Brazile and Margaret Hoover. … The launch of “One Nation Under Fire,” a new project chronicling a week of gun violence in America.

  • “Fox News Sunday,” guest-anchored by Martha MacCallum: Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) … Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) … Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.). Panel: Jason Riley, Catherine Lucey and Juan Williams. Power Player: Bryan Cranston.

  • “The Sunday Show”: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell … Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) … Texas state Rep. Jarvis Johnson … Mandy Patinkin … Kathryn Grody … Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) … Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) … Anthony Fauci.

  • “State of the Union”: Anthony Fauci … Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) … Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson … Oregon Gov. Kate Brown.

  • “Full Court Press”: Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson … Jeanne Marrazzo.

  • “Face the Nation”: Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo … Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Quinton Lucas … Jerome Adams … Scott Gottlieb … Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker.

  • “Inside Politics”: Panel: Seung Min Kim, Melanie Zanona, Asma Khalid, Lisa Lerer and Jonathan Reiner.

Send Playbookers tips to [email protected]. Playbook couldn’t happen without our editor Mike Zapler, deputy editor Zack Stanton and producers Allie Bice, Eli Okun and Garrett Ross.

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